A tool for reverse-engineering a brand's site selection strategy and finding regions with similar characteristics
The best brands put a great deal of effort into their site selection decisions.

So much so that you can often use store locations as a rough indicator of the character of a neighborhood.

UNCOVER seeks to capture that "neighborhood fingerprint" that you associate with a Trader Joes or a Walmart, and codify it into tangible geospatail charactersitics.

You can then use that "fingerprint" to find similar neighborhoods across the country. Even in drastically different markets.

For Brand Site Selection

Say you are a brand with around 200 locations and you know that your stores always do well when they are located near an Apple Store.

With UNCOVER, you are not limited to looking near the 500-or-so Apple Store locations. You can uncover the neighborhood characteristics that make that area work and find "neighborhood twins" in any market.

For Competitor Analysis

Find out what factors go into consideration when your competitor picks a location.

Find out if their site selection strategy has changed over time and account for this in your busines planning for the comming years.

For Investors

Many investor use the brands they find in a neighborhood as a proxy for the character of that neighborhood.

Say you're an investor who builds mutli-family housing in areas with at least one Starbucks and one Whole Foods.

With UNCOVER, you can now distill the essence of what makes that investment thesis work and expand it to other neighborhoods that don't yet have a Whole Foods, but could potentially get one in the next few years.
We can’t. That would require some sort of corporate espionage and, well, data nerds don’t make the best spies.

But we can tell you that the features we identify show up among all or most of their existing stores.

If you’d like to get more into the nuts and bolts of our rigorous methodology, we’re happy to do so on a call.

We also do that. We have some of this data already available among our Data Products. The best way to find out more is to get in touch.