Yuzu Spatial Features API

Supercharge Your Models With Our Pre-Computed Geospatial Features

Spatial Features API

Discover your edge in spatial analytics with the Yuzu Spatial Features API.

Stop spending countless hours doing manual feature engineering for spatial data.

Our API gives you immediate access to a curated set of pre-computed geospatial features, letting you concentrate on maximizing model performance.

Why We Built This

In truth, this product started as an internal tool.
We noticed that for nearly every project we did, we needed to enrich locations with geospatial features.
The more this happened, the more we built it into a unified workflow, and, eventually, into an API.
Since it's been so useful for us on all of our location data projects, we're now releasing it as a product for others in the geospatial industry.

What Is It?

It's simply an API with thousands of spatial features, with feature engineering, normalization, and data cleaning already performed that can be plugged into any ML model where location is a factor.

Why not just do all the feature engineering yourself?

Let's be honest, spatial data can be a pain to work with.

Geospatial data has far more degrees of freedom than most data types, making feature engineering incredibly time consuming.

Our Spatial Features API has all of that done for you. Each spatial data point has been broken into as many features as possible by grouping across variables like time, distance from other POIs, demographics, and scores that tell you the propensity of particular features in that region.
If that’s your idea of a good time, go for it.

This is mainly for people who don’t want to spend 80% of their work day finding, cleaning, normalizing, and testing new datasets.
Many places. Some of it is open source that we have cleaned and processed in our own way to make it useful. Some is paid data from our data partners.
Nope. Those are all data vendors. Our product is specifically structured as spatial features for building models or characterizing different regions or neighborhoods.